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Blankenship Project
The Blankenship Memorial Project is a need-based music scholarship program that aims to financially support young musicians ages 7-18 as they receive an education in the musical instrument of their choice.
The scholarship was named in memory of Walter Blankenship, a young amateur pianist who passed away in 1996. His widow and friends gathered resources to get the scholarship going and thought it would be fitting to name this project in his honor.
The program was officially founded by MTAC Alameda County East Branch and since 1996, we have helped hundreds of children receive a music education that otherwise would not have been possible. All of our operations have only been made possible through the help of charitable contributions from local sponsors. Donations to help support a child’s musical education are greatly appreciated.
If you know of a student that would benefit from an enriching education in music, please pass the word along!
Application Form: https://forms.gle/CQoYnX9d5MKMcgRRA
For more information, please contact Deborah McQueen, Blankenship Director, at blankenshipproject@gmail.com.
What is Blankenship Project?